Palestine Symphony Orchestra 1938

Palestine Symphony Orchestra 1938. This American film report shows footage of Palestine in 1938. Film length 05:50. A licence fee of 12 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete report.

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Palestine Symphony Orchestra 1938

Historical background

Palestine Symphony Orchestra 1938 (today Israel Philharmonic Orchestra). Palestine Orchestra under the direction of Issay Alexandrowich Dobrowen conducts the last movement of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony. The orchestra plays in the concert hall in Tel Aviv. Scenes of musicians – Dobrowen conducts. The orchestra plays the finale.

The Palestine Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1936 by the Polish-Jewish conductor Bronisław Huberman. It was a group of Jewish musicians who fled the emerging threats of National Socialism in Europe and settled in Palestine. The orchestra played an important role in promoting culture and music in the Jewish community in Palestine during the period of the British Mandate.

In 1938, the Palestine Symphony Orchestra played its first official concerts under the direction of Dobrowen. These concerts were a significant milestone for the orchestra and helped to publicise and recognise its work. The members of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra played an important role in the development of the classical music scene in Palestine and later in Israel.

Today, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) is one of the most renowned orchestras in the world. It was renamed the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra after the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.


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