Palestine 1938 Hanuta Settlement

Palestine 1938 Hanuta Settlement. This American film report shows footage of Palestine in 1938. Film length 07:30. A licence fee of 15 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete report.

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Palestine 1938 Hanuta Settlement

Historical background

The Jewish Hanuta settlement in the north-east corner of Palestine. An Arab attack on the new settlers had resulted in two Jewish deaths. Policeman with David Stern and Julius Simon.
In Tel Aviv, David Remez, founder of the MAPAI party, and Eliahu Golomb, leader of the Haganah, are shown in the labour union building. Golomb reports on an attack on the Hanuta settlement.

In the 1930s, Palestine was under the British Mandate and there was considerable tension between the Jewish and Arab communities, which led to various conflicts and incidents. Notable events during this period include the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 and the immigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine.


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