Trümmerfrauen in Berlin July 1945 – 2

The film shows rubble women in Berlin. Shot in July 1945, film length 05:30. A licence fee of 11 x 30 seconds is charged to acquire a licence for the complete contribution.

The basic price for handling and processing is € 250 for video. Depending on the type of use, the licence fee is the price stated below for each 30 seconds.
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Trümmerfrauen in Berlin Juli 1945

Historical Background


Trümmerfrauen, meaning “rubble women” in German, were women who played a significant role in post-World War II Germany, particularly in cities like Berlin. After the war, these women took on the daunting task of clearing the rubble left by the bombings and destruction that occurred during the conflict.

In Berlin, which faced extensive damage due to Allied bombing campaigns, Trümmerfrauen were crucial in the city’s reconstruction efforts. They worked tirelessly to clear debris, salvage materials, and rebuild infrastructure amidst the ruins. Their labor was essential for the city’s recovery and the eventual rebuilding of Germany as a whole.

The Trümmerfrauen represented resilience and determination in the face of immense hardship. They symbolized the spirit of post-war reconstruction and played a vital role in laying the foundation for Germany’s recovery and eventual economic resurgence. Today, they are remembered and honored as key figures in the country’s history.


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