Hindenburg Disaster Lakehurst 1937 Part 2

Hindenburg Katastrophe Lakehurst.
Hindenburg disaster Lakehurst. Shows the arrival of the Hindenburg airship in New York and the catastrophe in Lakerhurst where the ship explodes. Film length 03:00. A licence fee of 6 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete contribution.

The basic price for handling and processing is € 250 for video. Depending on the type of use, the licence fee is the price stated below for each 30 seconds.
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Hindenburg Disaster Lakehurst 1937 Part 2

Hindenburg Disaster Lakehurst.

Hindenburg Disaster Lakehurst. Shows the arrival of the airship Hindenburg in New York and the disaster at Lakerhurst when the ship explodes. Film length 03:00. A license fee of 6 times 30 seconds is charged to purchase a license for the full feature.

Historical context

The tragic accident of the German airship LZ 129 Hindenburg occurred on May 6, 1937. The airship was scheduled to land in Lakehurst, New Jersey, USA, when it suddenly burst into flames and crashed.
The Hindenburg was the largest aircraft of its time, carried by a hydrogen charge. The airship had a length of 245 meters and was used for transatlantic traffic between Germany and the United States.
Shortly before landing at Lakehurst Airfield near New York, the airship burst into flames within seconds.

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