Emil Nolde 1948

Film clip from 1948 on the occasion of the 80th birthday of the painter Emil Nolde. ID198013. Film length 0:51. A licence fee of 2 x 30 seconds is charged for the purchase of the entire film.

Emil Nolde 1948 from Historiathek – zb Media on Vimeo.

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Emil Nolde 1948

Historical background

Film clip from 1948 on the occasion of the 80th birthday of the painter Emil Nolde.

Emil Nolde, born Emil Hansen, was a prominent German-Danish painter and printmaker known for his vibrant and expressive artworks. He was born on August 7, 1867, in Nolde, a small village in what is now Germany. Nolde initially trained as a woodcarver and later attended art school in Munich, where he studied painting.

Nolde’s is best known for his association with the Expressionist movement. He was for a certain time a member of the Die Brücke (The Bridge) group, which was founded in Dresden in 1905 and consisted of young German artists who sought to express their emotions and reject traditional academic art.

Nolde’s paintings are characterized by bold brushwork, intense colors, and a sense of emotional intensity. His subjects often included landscapes, flowers, and figures, and he was particularly interested in capturing the essence of nature and the spiritual dimension of the world. Nolde’s works often reflected his fascination with the interplay between light and color, creating a sense of drama and intensity.

Sympathy with the Nazis yet persecution

However, Nolde’s association with the Nazi regime in Germany complicated his legacy. Despite his initial enthusiasm for Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party, Nolde was eventually labeled a “degenerate artist” by the Nazis due to the expressionistic and non-conformist nature of his work. Many of his paintings were confiscated from museums and galleries, and he was forbidden to paint during the later years of the regime.

After World War II, Nolde faced controversy due to his earlier support for the Nazis. However, his artistic achievements were also recognized, and he continued to paint until his death on April 13, 1956, in Seebüll, Germany. Today, Emil Nolde is regarded as one of the leading figures of German Expressionism, and his artworks can be found in major museums and collections around the world.

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