Women’s suffrage USA 1920

Women’s suffrage USA 1920. film length 1:00

Women first time voting 1920. from Historiathek – zb Media on Vimeo.

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Women’s suffrage USA 1920

Historical context

Women in the United States were allowed to vote for the first time in the 1920 presidential election after the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified. The 19th Amendment, ratified on 18 August 1920, granted American women the right to vote and was an important milestone in the women’s suffrage movement.

19th Amendment to the Constitution: The 19th Amendment states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” This amendment was the culmination of decades of activism and struggle by women’s rights activists who fought tirelessly for women’s right to vote.

Presidential election of 1920: The election on 2 November 1920 was the first national election in which women could exercise their right to vote. In this election, Republican Warren G. Harding was defeated by Democrat James M. Cox.

Voter turnout: Millions of women went to the polls in the 1920 election, significantly increasing voter turnout across the country. While exact numbers are difficult to determine, it is estimated that about 36% of eligible women voted.

The impact: Women’s suffrage changed American politics and society. Women’s voices began to influence political decisions, and political parties began to address issues that were important to women.

The ratification of the 19th Amendment and the subsequent participation of women in the 1920 election were pivotal moments in U.S. history that marked a major step forward in the fight for gender equality and democratic participation.

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Licence options film

Cinema, TV and web, commercial (30 sec. each) (4210,00 €), Cinema, TV and Web, Editorial (30 sec.) (€ 1240.00), Educational institution, museum, exhibition and web editorial (30 sec. each) (€ 610.00), Web Editorial (30 sec. each) (330,00 €), Web, commercial (30 sec. each) (2230,00 €)

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