Attack on Poland 1939

Attack on Poland 1939, film length 4:13. A licence fee of 9 x 30 seconds is charged to acquire a licence for the complete film.

Angriff der deutschen Wehrmacht auf Polen-2 from zb Media Filmproduktion on Vimeo.

The basic price for handling and processing is € 250 for video. Depending on the type of use, the licence fee is the price stated below for each 30 seconds.
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Attack on Poland 1939

Historical background

The attack on Poland in September 1939 was the trigger for the start of the Second World War. On 1 September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland by invading the country without declaring war. This was done under the pretence that Polish troops had allegedly carried out an attack on Germany, which was later exposed as a pretext.

The attack began with air raids on Polish cities and was then supported by a massive ground offensive by German troops. On 17 September 1939, after the Soviet Union signed a pact with Nazi Germany, the Red Army also began its invasion of Poland, which led to the division of the country.

The Polish armed forces fought bravely, but were ultimately no match for the military advance of the German and Soviet troops. Poland capitulated on 6 October 1939 after Warsaw had been besieged. The attack on Poland was a decisive event that led to the escalation of the Second World War and claimed millions of lives.

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