British troops in Benghazi – November 1942

British troops in Benghazi – November 1942. length: 03:40. a licence fee of 8 times 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete film

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British troops in Benghazi – November 1942

The footage: British troops in Benghazi, November 1942.

The film footage shows the advance of British troops in Libya at the end of 1942. (3:40 min.)

Historical background

During World War II, British and Commonwealth forces, led by General Bernard Montgomery, were involved in the North African Campaign against Axis forces, primarily German and Italian troops.
On 23 October 1942, British and American units went on the offensive at El Alamein and were able to break through the Axis positions of Germany and Italy during the Second Battle of El Alamein. As a result, the Axis units withdrew as far as Tunisia and the Allies moved up. They captured Tobruk on 13 November and then Benghazi on 23 November 1942.

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