Destroyed Berlin July 1945

Destroyed Berlin July 1945: The film shows destroyed streets in Berlin. Shot in July 1945. 02:30 film length. 5 x 30 seconds licence fee is charged to purchase a licence for the complete film.

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Destroyed Berlin July 1945

Historical Background

Between November 1943 and March 1944, Berlin had been subjected to heavy bombing raids, but the most intense destruction occurred in 1945, especially in the final months of the war. In February 1945, the RAF and USAAF launched Operation Thunderclap, targeting Berlin with massive bombing raids. The purpose was not only to disrupt German infrastructure and industry but also to break the morale of the civilian population and undermine the Nazi regime.

The bombings inflicted extensive damage on Berlin, reducing large parts of the city to rubble. Landmarks, residential areas, industrial zones, and transportation networks were all heavily hit. The raids caused significant civilian casualties and led to widespread displacement.

The most infamous bombing raid on Berlin occurred on the night of February 3rd, 1945, when a massive Allied bombing raid resulted in a firestorm that engulfed large parts of the city. The firestorm caused by the intense bombing created hurricane-force winds, which further fueled the flames and made firefighting efforts almost impossible. Thousands of civilians were killed, and many more were injured or left homeless.

By the end of the war in May 1945, Berlin lay in ruins, a stark symbol of the devastation wrought by World War II. The post-war reconstruction efforts were monumental, and it took years for Berlin to rebuild and recover from the destruction.



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