Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949

Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany. This American film report shows footage of the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949. Film length 01:15. A licence fee of 3 times 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete contribution.

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Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949

Historical background

Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany

In response to the Berlin Blockade, the Western occupying powers founded the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in their zones of occupation. This was an important step towards the creation of a West German government and the consolidation of the Western sphere of influence in Europe.

The founding of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in May 1949 was a decisive step in Germany’s post-war history and an important milestone in the Cold War. Here are some important aspects of this event:

Parliamentary Council: after the Second World War, representatives of the West German states met in the so-called Parliamentary Council to draft a constitution for West Germany. This process led to the drafting of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.
Adenauer as the first Federal Chancellor: Konrad Adenauer was elected as the first Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany on 15 September 1949. He played a decisive role in the orientation of the FRG towards a pro-Western policy and in its integration into Western alliances such as NATO.
Bonn Basic Law: The Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany was promulgated on 23 May 1949 and came into force on 24 May 1949. It laid down the basic principles of the state, including the basic democratic order, the separation of powers and the protection of fundamental rights.
Western integration: The founding of the Federal Republic of Germany and its integration into the West were part of the Western strategy of stabilising the Western occupation zones in Germany and defending them against Soviet expansion during the Cold War. The FRG became an important partner of the USA and the Western Allies in Europe.
Economic miracle: The founding of the Federal Republic of Germany marked the beginning of the so-called “economic miracle”. Thanks to economic reforms, investments and the Marshall Plan, West Germany experienced a rapid economic recovery and a sharp rise in living standards in the following years.
Overall, the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany was a key event in post-war Europe and laid the foundations for West Germany’s development into a prosperous democratic state and an important Western alliance in the Cold War.


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