Geopolitics of the NSDAP

Geopolitics of the NSDAP. NSDAP Geopolitics – Haushofer Institute, Munich.

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Geopolitics of the NSDAP

Historical background

The NSDAP, or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was the ruling party in Germany from 1933 to 1945 under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Geopolitik refers to the geopolitical doctrines and strategies that were developed and implemented by the Nazi regime during its time in power.

Its outstanding representative and bearer, General and Professor Karl Haushofer, was interesting less as a geopolitician in the narrower sense than as a contributor during National Socialism.

The NSDAP’s Geopolitik aimed to establish German dominance and control over specific territories and regions to secure resources, expand living space (Lebensraum), and achieve political and economic hegemony. Some of the key aspects of NSDAP Geopolitik were:

  • Eastern Expansion: The Nazis sought to acquire vast territories in Eastern Europe, particularly in the Soviet Union, to create a German-dominated empire. They envisioned these areas as providing ample resources and space for the German population.
  • Racial Hierarchies: NSDAP Geopolitik was influenced by Nazi racial ideology, which propagated the superiority of the Aryan race and the subjugation or elimination of other races deemed inferior. The Nazis aimed to reshape the racial composition of conquered territories to serve their vision of a racially pure Germanic empire.
  • Lebensraum: The concept of Lebensraum (living space) was central to Nazi ideology. The Nazis believed that Germany needed to expand its territory to ensure the long-term survival and prosperity of the German people. This expansion was to be achieved through territorial conquests, primarily in Eastern Europe.
  • Control over Strategic Areas: The Nazis aimed to establish control over strategic areas such as ports, access to resources, and transportation routes. This control would provide Germany with economic advantages and strengthen its military capabilities.
  • Collaboration and Subjugation: The Nazis sought to establish collaborationist governments in conquered territories to ensure political stability and facilitate German control. In some cases, they sought to assimilate or subjugate the local population, while in others, they aimed for direct German administration.

It’s important to note that the NSDAP’s Geopolitik was driven by imperialistic and expansionist ambitions, racial ideology, and the pursuit of German dominance. These policies led to significant human suffering, war crimes, and genocide during World War II. The Nazi regime’s actions have been widely condemned as reprehensible and inhumane. and contain historical footage related to the Nazi foreign organizations.

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