Haifa Israel 1948

Haifa Israel 1948: This American film report shows footage of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war in Haifa. Film length 01:13. A licence fee of 3 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete report.

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Haifa Israel 1948

Historical background

Arab-Israeli war in 1948. First Arab-Israeli war. New Jewish state founded in the midst of unrest. Jews defend the new state of Israel. In Palestine; first pictures of the battle for Haifa, which the Jews win after a two-day siege, show the dramatic turn of events in the Holy Land. Jews fight against Arab attackers approaching from five sides. Arab refugees; CUs; corpses. Flag of the new Jewish state.

The Battle of Haifa in 1948 was a major event in the course of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Haifa, an important harbour city in what is now Israel, was strategically important from both an economic and military point of view. The battle took place as part of the Middle East conflict that led to the founding of the state of Israel.

The battle began on 21 April 1948, when Jewish forces launched an offensive to gain control of the city of Haifa. The city was at that time occupied by Arab forces, including the Palestinian Arab Liberation Army and local militias.

The fighting for Haifa was intense and costly on both sides. The Jewish forces were better motivated, organised and equipped, but the Arab defenders put up resistance. Street fighting, artillery fire and air raids took place.

On 22 April 1948, the Arab defenders finally surrendered and Haifa fell under Jewish control. This was a decisive moment in the Arab war against the newly founded Jewish state and had far-reaching consequences for the further course of the Middle East conflict. The conquest of Haifa strengthened Israel’s position and contributed to the emergence of the modern Jewish state.


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