Hitler visits Paris in 1940

Hitler visits Paris in 1940. Hitler at the height of his power after the victory over France in 1940. Film length 1:23. A licence fee of 3 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete film excerpt.

Hitler in France 1940 from zb Media Filmproduktion on Vimeo.

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Hitler visits Paris in 1940

Historical background

Hitler visited Paris in 1940 shortly after the fall of the city under German occupation during the Second World War. This visit took place on 23 June 1940, just a few days after the capitulation of France. Hitler deliberately wanted to make a symbolic visit to the city to celebrate his victory and demonstrate his power. During his short stay in Paris, he inspected famous sights such as the Eiffel Tower and the Invalides. His visit was captured in numerous photos and propaganda recordings documenting his presence in the occupied city.

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