Josef Goebbels at the lectern in 1933

Josef Goebbels at the lectern 1933 ; Photo; licence article; Original: 5740×4315; Photographer: unknown; subject to licence; Rights: © Historiathek/Bleek/zb Media.

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Josef Goebbels at the lectern 1933; Photo; licence article; Original: 5740×4315; Photographer: unknown; subject to licence; Rights: © Historiathek/Bleek/zb Media. The photo shows Josef Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda of National Socialist Germany, at the lectern. Goebbels wears a dark striped suit and speaks to his audience with passionate gestures. His demeanour is energetic. The picture captures the intense and manipulative rhetoric that Goebbels used for his propaganda purposes.

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