Buchenwald concentration camp 1945

Buchenwald concentration camp 1945. colour film footage of the US armed forces from April 1945. film length 3:30. a licence fee of 7 x 30 seconds is charged for the purchase of the entire film. #190216

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Buchenwald concentration camp 1945

The Buchenwald Concentration Camp Footage 1945

US Forces footage from Buchenwald Concentration Camp, April 1945. On 16 April 1945, citizens of Weimar are taken to the concentration camp, only 10 kilometres away, to be shown the inhuman horror of the Nazi regime. Film length 3:30. A licence fee of 7 x 30 seconds is charged for the purchase of the entire film.

Historical context

It is a sunny and warm spring day. On 16 April 1945, citizens of Weimar are taken to the concentration camp, only 10 kilometres away, to show them the inhuman horror of the Nazi regime. The footage is shot by an American film crew from William Wyler’s “Special Film Project”. Unfortunately, the footage is not in particularly good condition. The later American President General Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote about the background of the action:

“I have never been able to describe the feelings that overcame me when I first saw such an undeniable testimony to the inhumanity of the Nazis and to their ruthless disregard of the most primitive precepts of humanity.”

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