Naval battle in the Pacific 1942

Naval battle in the Pacific 1942. The film footage shows a naval battle in the Pacific in 1942. 4:50. A licence fee of 10 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete film.



Naval battle in the Pacific 1942 from Historiathek – zb Media on Vimeo.

The basic price for handling and processing is € 250 for video. Depending on the type of use, the licence fee is the price stated below for each 30 seconds.
To determine the net licence fee for 30 seconds, please select the type of use. To determine the licence fee for orders longer than 30 seconds of material, please contact us. This amounts to the basic price plus the licence fee per 30 seconds of film excerpt length. See the terms and conditions.


Naval battle in the Pacific 1942

Historical context

The film footage shows a naval battle in the Pacific in 1942. The naval battle in the Pacific in 1942 (Coral Sea / Midway) is not named exactly. It shows an American flattop carrier, which is labelled “carrier X” for reasons of secrecy.
The second half of 1942 marked the turning point of the Second World War, both in the Pacific war and in Europe and North Africa. In the naval battles of Coral Sea and Midway in May and June 1942, the Japanese expansion is halted by US troops six months after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour.


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