Nightlife in Berlin 1932

Nightlife in Berlin 1932 with the “Sid Kays Fellows Band”. ID-190668. film length 1:51. a licence fee of 4 x 30 seconds is charged to acquire a licence for the complete film.

Berlin 1932 – Night Life from zb Media Filmproduktion on Vimeo.

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Nightlife in Berlin 1932

Nightlife in Berlin 1932 with the “Sid Kays Fellows Band”. Jewish musicians played in the band. 1932 was their last year in Berlin.

Historical context

Nightlife in Berlin in 1932 was a fascinating mixture of cultural prosperity, political unrest and economic uncertainty. The “Sid Kays Fellows Band” was a jazz band that played an important role in Berlin’s nightlife during this period. In the 1920s and early 1930s, Berlin was known for its lively jazz scene, which was characterised by clubs, bars and dance halls.

The “Sid Kays Fellows Band” would probably have played in popular jazz clubs such as the “Eldorado”, the “Admiralspalast” or the “Moka Efti”. These venues were meeting places for artists, intellectuals and partygoers from all over the world and offered a vibrant atmosphere where people from all social classes came together to enjoy music, dance and escape from everyday life.

For many Berliners, nightlife was a way of distracting themselves from the economic difficulties of the time and experiencing a touch of freedom and exoticism. The music of the “Sid Kays Fellows Band”, with its infectious rhythm and lively performance, would have fuelled the mood and encouraged guests to indulge in dancing and forget the cares of the world for a moment.

Despite the cultural boom and the lively atmosphere of Berlin’s nightlife, one could already sense the political tensions that would later erupt in the rise of the National Socialists and the outbreak of the Second World War. Nevertheless, nightlife in Berlin in the early 1930s remains a fascinating period that reflects the diversity and spirit of the time.

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