President Kennedy Apollo speech 1962

President Kennedy Apollo speech 1962. film length 1:00. a licence fee of 2 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete film.

Kennedy Apollo Speech at Rice University 1962 from zb Media Filmproduktion on Vimeo.

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President Kennedy Apollo speech 1962

Historical background

President Kennedy Apollo speech 1962 The “Apollo speech” is often referred to as the “We’re going to the moon” speech. It was delivered by President John F. Kennedy on 12 September 1962 at Rice University in Houston, Texas. In this historic speech, Kennedy formulated the United States’ commitment to space exploration and the goal of landing a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s. The speech was a pivotal moment in the space race and served as a rallying cry for NASA’s Apollo programme. Kennedy’s words are still regarded as a symbol of ambition, determination and the spirit of exploration.

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