The Soviet Front 1941, film length 38:06. A licence fee of 76 times 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete film.
The Soviet front in 1941
The Soviet front in 1941
The Soviet front 1941
Leningrad 1941; dead and tortured Russian civilians are found. The film footage shows pre-war Leningrad. 1941 Barricades are erected. The city is heavily bombed. 1941/1942; Leningrad (Soviet Union): Food is rationed. Shell production continues. (today St. Petersburg.) 1941/1942; Leningrad (Soviet Union): The city is under siege. Women clear rubble from the streets. The defences are manned. Food is rationed. The production of grenades continues. Supplies are brought across the frozen Lake Ladoga by lorry, tractor and railway. Winter snow covers the city. Nazi aeroplanes bomb lorries on the lake. A thaw sets in in spring. Children play in the sunshine. German prisoners enter the town. Reel 9 shows the battle for the Caucasus and the Crimea. Stalingrad is bombarded from the air with artillery and house-to-house fighting is shown. Reel 10 shows the Russian encirclement of the Nazis in Stalingrad. Marshal Nikolai Voronoff consults with his adjutants. The encircled Red armies meet in December 1942. Flamethrowers, rockets and artillery are used to force the remnants of 22 Nazi divisions to surrender. The final scene shows the Russian successes and statistics on the Nazi losses to date.