Cosmos Enthusiasm in Moscow 1961 13

Cosmos enthusiasm Moscow 1961, Photo; Licensed article; Original: 5740×4315; Photographer: Unknown; subject to license; Rights: a9 Bleek/z b Media.

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Cosmos enthusiasm Moscow 1961, Photo; Licensed article; Original: 5740×4315; Photographer: Unknown; subject to license; Rights: a9 Bleek/z b Media. The photo shows the cosmos enthusiasm in Moscow in April 1961, when people took to the streets with shouts of “Cosmos! Cosmos!” celebrating Yuri Gagarin’s first manned space flight.
Scene: A large crowd, including young and older Soviet citizens, possibly waving flags, banners, or pictures of Gagarin. Many are cheering, clapping, or calling out in excitement.
Background: A street or square in Moscow, possibly with trolleybuses, posters, or banners featuring Soviet space symbols.
Authenticity or Staging?
The joy and pride of many Soviet citizens were genuine, as the space flight was considered a historic triumph for the Soviet Union and science.
Nevertheless, the public portrayal was often organized, as the state used such events as propaganda to emphasize technological progress and the superiority of socialism.
The photo captures a historical moment of collective euphoria, where genuine enthusiasm and politically directed staging were closely intertwined – a typical image of the Soviet era.

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