Moscow April 1961 1

Moscow April 1961, Photo; Licensed article; Original: 5740×4315; Photographer: Unknown; requires license; Rights: a9 Bleek/zb Media.

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Moscow April 1961, Photo; Licensed article; Original: 5740×4315; Photographer: Unknown; requires license; Rights: a9 Bleek/zb Media. The photo shows a street in Moscow in April 1961, on the day of Yuri Gagarin’s historic space flight with Vostok 1. Passersby walk along the street. Few cars and buses can be seen on the street, as Moscow still had relatively little motorized individual traffic at that time.
The photo captures everyday life in Moscow during one of the greatest moments in space history – a day that caused a worldwide sensation and placed the Soviet Union at the forefront of the space race.

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von € 35.- bis € 350.-


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