Graf Zeppelin airship round the world flight in 1929 26 photo; licence article; original: 5740×4315; photographer: unknown; subject to licence; rights: © Historiathek/Bleek/zb Media.
Graf Zeppelin airship round the world flight in 1929 26
SKU: 190533-10
Categories: Photo, Photos 1920 – 1929, Photos 1929
Tags: 1929, Airship, Circumnavigation, Graf Zeppelin, Historical, Hugo Eckener, Licensable, Licensed Material, Photo
Round the world flight airship Graf Zeppelin 1929; Photo; Licence article; Original: 5740×4315; Photographer: Unknown; subject to licence; Rights: © Historiathek/Bleek/zb Media. The 1929 trip of the airship Graf Zeppelin around the world was a significant event in aviation history, showcasing the potential of air travel and the engineering marvels of the time.