Allied military leaders 1918

Film material: Allied military leaders 1918
Military leaders in 1918. film length 00:52. a licence fee of 2 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete film.

The basic price for handling and processing is € 250 for video. Depending on the type of use, the licence fee is the price stated below for each 30 seconds.
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Allied military leaders 1918

Film footage: Allied military leaders 1918.

Military leaders in 1918. film length 00:52. a licence fee of 2 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete contribution.

Historical context

Ferdinand Foch – Historical film footage, handshake, meeting (First World War):
The footage captures the solemn atmosphere of a wartime meeting, possibly in 1917. Ferdinand Foch, a distinguished French military man, is shown shaking hands with other military and political leaders. Possibly diplomatic negotiations or strategic talks during a crucial phase of the First World War.

Joseph Joffre, Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, Armando Diaz – soldiers, army, uniform, war (First World War):
The film footage switches to scenes with Joseph Joffre, Victor Emmanuel III of Italy and Armando Diaz, prominent figures of the First World War. These leaders, dressed in military uniforms, illustrate the gravity of the war effort. Soldiers in various uniforms march in formation, reflecting the diversity of the armed forces involved in the conflict. These shots could capture a moment of unity between the allied forces and illustrate the co-operation between the nations during the difficult times of war.

Douglas Haig – Salute (World War I):
General Douglas Haig, a British military commander, can be seen on the footage saluting the troops. This image reflects the disciplined and hierarchical nature of military leadership during the First World War. The scene could represent a ceremonial event or a moment of recognition for the sacrifices made by the soldiers under Haig’s command.

Philippe Pétain – France, War (World War I):
Footage featuring Philippe Pétain, a French general who later became a national hero and Marshal of France, showing his participation in the war effort. There are scenes of Pétain conferring with other military leaders, inspecting troops or devising strategies for important battles.

Georges Clemenceau – France, Embrace (First World War):
Georges Clemenceau, the French Prime Minister during the war, can be seen embracing military leaders. These shots symbolise the close relationship between political leaders and military commanders and underline the unity required to meet the challenges of warfare.

Newton Baker – World War I:
Newton Baker, the United States Secretary of War during World War I, may appear in the footage as he oversees military operations or conducts diplomatic talks. When the United States entered the war in 1917, Baker played a key role in coordinating the country’s military efforts.

Tasker Howard Bliss in conversation with a woman – World War I:
General Tasker Howard Bliss, a US Army officer, is seen on film footage talking to a woman. This may illustrate the complexity of the war effort, which also included diplomatic relations and interactions with the civilian population on the home front.

Robert Lee Bullard, John Lejeune – World War I:
Generals Robert Lee Bullard and John Lejeune, U.S. military leaders during World War I, can be shown in a variety of military contexts. These could include planning meetings, troop inspections or strategic discussions on the Western Front.

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