Berlin 1956 – Sightseeing

Berlin 1956 – Sightseeing. Uncut film footage of an American tour group in Berlin. Street scenes and various sights of the city Film length 13:38. Licence fee for the complete film 26 x 30 seconds.

Berlin 1956 from zb Media Filmproduktion on Vimeo.

The basic price for handling and processing is € 250 for video. Depending on the type of use, the licence fee is the price stated below for each 30 seconds.
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Berlin 1956 – Sightseeing

Historical context

When Americans visited Berlin in 1956, they encountered a city that was strongly characterised by its recent history and its division into eastern and western sectors. The tour group can be seen at some of the facilities of the US armed forces in Berlin, as well as at the main sights such as the Brandenburg Gate. The plaque “Beginning of the Democratic Sector of Greater Berlin”, erected by the GDR government, can be seen there. The Café Berlin on Kurfürstendamm can be seen.

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