Resistance fighter Paul Bebert removes the swastika in 1945

Resistance fighter Paul Bebert removes the swastika from the Hamburg Trade Union Centre in 1945. Original size of the photo: 5680×4200, Photographer: Unknown, Rights: © Historiathek / Stephan Bleek

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Resistance fighter Paul Bebert removes the swastika from the trade union centre in Hamburg in 1945. Original size of the photo: 5680×4200, Photographer: Unknown, Rights: © Historiathek / Stephan Bleek

Trade unionist Paul Bebert uses a hammer and chisel to remove the DAF symbols from the façade of the Besenbinderhaus in Hamburg. The trade union building Besenbinderhaus, which had been stormed by the Nazi regime on 2 May 1933 and used by the German Labour Front, was returned to the Free Trade Unions by the British military government on 14 September 1945. Members of the British Military Government and Paul Bebert speak at the ceremony in front of the building.

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