German military leadership 1918

Film Footage: German military leadership 1918.
German military leadership 1918. film length 00:52. a licence fee of 2 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete film.

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German military leadership 1918

Film Footage: German military leadership 1918.

Historical context:

The historical footage the German military leadership, soldiers and equipment during the First World War. The inclusion of iconic symbols such as the Pickelhelm and the evolving Stahlhelm, as well as key figures such as Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Wilhelm of Prussia, contributes to a comprehensive portrayal of the role and influence of the German military during this important historical era.

Erich Ludendorff: The film footage prominently features General Erich Ludendorff, a key figure in German military leadership during the First World War. Known for his strategic brilliance, Ludendorff is likely shown in various scenes including military headquarters, planning meetings and possibly inspecting troops.

Visiting troops and saluting: Erich Ludendorff is seen visiting troops, inspecting soldiers in the field. The scene shows the military precision and discipline of the German armed forces at this time. The soldiers salute Ludendorff, demonstrating the hierarchical structure of the military and the respect accorded to high-ranking officers.

Paul von Hindenburg: Another important figure, General Paul von Hindenburg, can be seen in the footage. As Ludendorff’s superior and later Federal President, Hindenburg played a decisive role in military and political decisions during and after the First World War.

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