Sinking of SMS Szent István 1918

Footage: Sinking of SMS Szent István 1918.
Footage depicting the Sinking of SMS Szent István 1918. Film length 04:05. A licence fee of 8 x 30 seconds is charged to purchase a licence for the complete clip.

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Sinking of SMS Szent István 1918

Historical Background

The sinking of SMS Szent István, an Austro-Hungarian battleship, took place on 10 June 1918 during the First World War. SMS Szent István was originally an Austro-Hungarian ship that became part of the joint Austro-Hungarian fleet during the war. The sinking took place in the Adriatic Sea and was the result of an attack by Italian torpedo boats.

Italian torpedo boats, led by Luigi Rizzo, launched a daring night attack on the Austro-Hungarian fleet, which included the flagship SMS Szent István. Rizzo’s boat, MAS 15, successfully fired torpedoes at the battleship, hitting it below the waterline. The torpedoes caused considerable damage, which ultimately led to the sinking of the ship.

The sinking of SMS Szent István was a remarkable event, the culmination of a series of naval battles in the Adriatic. The loss of the battleship was a blow to the Austro-Hungarian Navy and highlighted the effectiveness of torpedo boat tactics in naval warfare during the First World War.

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